Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Office

Jobs are a great when you are always having a good time. I want to thank Kayak Pucon, Wavesport, NRS, CLIF Bar, AT Paddles, and Sweet Helmets for making this trip really, really fun.

Classic "high water" Desahue

photos by Juanjo

One more time...

i love chile.

photo by don nacho

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Upper Tres Saltos

These shots bring back memories from when we had the whole crew here. As far as we know...not many people (if anyone?) have run these drops upstream of the "big one."

kayak photo by Lane Jacobs
party photo by Ema

Saying goodbye to my home in Pucon

I can´t say enough good things about the time I spent in Pucon this year. Lots of thanks go out to the Tuschner family and the people at Cabañas Missimali, and especially to Rodrigo and Emma at Kayak Pucon.

Back to the Middle

This was my 4th time down the Middle Palguin. Big thanks to Orion Chapman for getting us fired up to go back. Orion styled the big ones (blue Jefe). Rodrigo and I scouting the double drop. Me falling fast on the last drop.

photos by "Juanjo´s friend from Portugal"

Kayak Pucon

Monday, February 13, 2006

World Class Asado

The World Class Academy is in town right now. Rodrigo and I have been paddling a little bit with some of the students and teachers. We were lucky enough to attend their asado - tasty.

Amazing night

Sunset with the volcanoes and Trancura river in view. Full moon river trip on the Lower Trancura.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Juanjo, Geoff and Rodrigo styling the Double Drop on the Middle Palguin.

Last drop of the Middle Palguin

Rodrigo, Juanjo, Geoff and I decided to fire up the Middle Palguin the other day. It is only 25 minutes outside of Pucon, and it is stacked with huge, intimidating waterfalls. I have never run a waterfall with such a soft landing. It was so soft that I went DEEP - my ears popped, and my boat compressed around me before I launched to the surface. Incredible place. I can`t wait to go back and do it again.

photo by Felipe

Maybe I am crazy?

This shot was taken right before I ran the Middle Palguin with Rodrigo, Juanjo, and Geoff.
Ready to fall.

Sunrise at "Dreamscape"

I went to a crazy electronic music festival outside of Pucon last weekend called Dreamscape. I never imagined something like this - 3 days of trance and drumb and base and absolute insanity. Lots of people came down from Santiago to camp in this beautiful place and to dance, dance, dance. I took these pictures as the sun was coming up on saturday morning. I went to sleep and came back to this stage hours later that aftertoon only to find the same people still shaking it like crazy.

Monday, January 23, 2006

View from Pucon

photo by Juanjo

How to cook and eat a lamb in Chile

Jeff and I enjoying some quality meat at a birthday asado for Peruvian boater, Efrein (sp?).

photos by Juanjo

Good water on the Desahue

The Desahue is full of big holes and big boofs. Here you can see both.

photos by Juanjo

Tres Saltos

Tres Saltos is a tourist spot outside of Pucon where you pay a few bucks to look at some beautiful waterfalls. We thought it would be a better deal if we jumped in the water with our kayaks. These shots are from an evening run. Jeff´s second day kayaking in Chile up top, my 3rd time on the Tres Saltos below.

photos by Andres

These shots were taken after an evening run on the Desahue. You can see the Villarica Volcano in the background. Rodrigo and Jeff up top and Rodrigo and Juanjo below. Jeff is a sick boater from Southern Oregon. Pretty crazy that we didn´t meet each other until Chile.

photos by Juanjo and Jeff

Freewheel at the Ojos de Caburgua

This waterfall is a popular tourist site, and it happens to be on one of my favorite runs in Chile, the Rio Desahue. We were lucky enough to catch this river with lots of water this January, and it is loaded with quality Class V rapids. Here I am, mid-cartwheel.

photo by Juanjo

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Grilling with Rodrigo and Emma. These two are nice enough to let me camp in their back yard and give me a job. They own Kayak Pucon (www.kayakpucon.net). Rodrigo is one of the craziest kayakers I know.

photo by Juanjo

I finally figured out how to post some pictures! This is a shot of Juanjo and me on the Upper Liucura river outside of Pucon. Juanjo is from Spain, and he works as a safety kayaker here every summer. He makes a mean paella, too.

photo by Jeff